You may find this information about the National Curriculum helpful:
Reading and Homework
Champion Reader cards are to be signed every day when the children read for ten minutes.
Literacy and Numeracy Homework is given out on a Tuesday and returned by Friday.
Year 4 children are taught age appropriate grammar on a Monday, following VCOP (Vocabulary, connectives, sentence openers and punctuation). Children learn from a range of genres including recounts, reports and novels. They take part in a variety of drama activities to enhance their speaking and listening skills. Year 4 texts include; Into The Forest, Gregory Cool, Varjak Paw and The Adventures Of Edward Tulane. Children study a range of non-fiction texts linking to their topics of Rainforests, Vikings and Tudors. The children practice their comprehension skills of texts weekly and we have creative ‘Big Writing’ on a Friday. We expect children by the end of year 4 to be competent writers with neat, legible handwriting and enthusiastic readers who are learning to deduce and infer from a text.
There is a number focus in the first term with shape, space and measures, data handling, time, on Fun Fridays where children enjoy and learn these concepts in a practical way.
Terms 2 and 3 have a mixture of number work with shape, space and measure, data handling, using and applying numeracy in real life situations and problem solving challenges; so that by the end of year 4 children should be confident in times tables as well as using their skills to solve real life problems involving all number operations. A grasp of measures and fractions is also expected as well as knowing basic properties of 2D and 3D shape.
Autumn term Topics
Spring Term Topics
Summer Term Topics
PE days
Other information