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Pupil Premium and PE Premium

You can find here details of our pupil premium grant and spend for the current academic year 2023/24 and previous academic years.

PE and sport premium funding is also published here.

Pupil Premium Funding - School Year 2023/2024

The grant available from April 2023 to March 2024 is £547,509

The grant available from April 2023 to March 2022 was £601,490


Summary of Spending Areas

% of funding

Enriching academic learning

  • Very high adult to child ratio for both literacy and numeracy groups across KS2
  • Booster classes and additional learning groups for both year 6 and year 2 in literacy and numeracy
  • Additional teacher in Y2 and Y3 for nurturing learning for children requiring it 5 x days a week
  • Phonics Catch Up Sessions for Y1 
  • Talk Boost groups for children developing their vocabulary, spoken and written English in years Reception
  • Speech and Language Therapist Provision in Early Years


Enriching curriculum learning

  • Subsidised out of school visits and trips
  • Subsidised in school visitors, workshops and immersion opportunites to develop children's cultural capital
  • Year 6 residential school journey subsidises
  • Musical instrument tuition for every child in the school


Enriching extra-curricular learning opportunities

  • Weekly Talent School (extended day for children)
  • Early morning and after school club provision for pupil premium children
  • Free  musical instrument tuition for those children who are highly committed and talented
  • In school therapeutic provision for children with social, emotional and mental health challenges



PE Premium/Sports Grant

The government give extra funding to schools to be spent on sport in school.

Our Sports Grant for 2023/24 is £23,498

Our aim is to increase sporting opportunities for children regardless of their economic background or ability, and also to improve the quality of the provision they receive at no or very little cost to parents. Click below to read how we spend our PE funding.


Covid Catch Up Premium Funding

The funding allocation for The Orion was £65,644

We run targeted interventions and boosters specific to children's year groups. We have increased the number of talk boost interventions for our youngest children whose communication and language skills have been affected by the pandemic. In addition to this we increased the level of therapeutic support for our children who have been adversely affected emotionally.

Swimming Achievement


Our Y5 children have a 2 week crash swimming course in the Autumn Term followed by Y4 who will have their swimming course in the Spring Term. In 10 lessons every child makes significant progress from their starting point. Some children are complete beginners.


At the end of the 2 weeks the children are assessed.


Goldstar Federation