Attendance at The Orion
The Facts
Absence & Illness
Attendance is very important here at The Orion! All children should attend school EVERYDAY. If your child is unwell and can not attend school you must inform us by leaving a message on the absence line BEFORE 8.30am on the first day of absence. The government says that the average child is unlikely to be ill more that 8 days a year! If your child has a minor illness such as a slight cough or cold please still bring them into school and we will contact you if their condition worsens.
If your child is absent due to illness, we may ask to see a Doctor's note, appointment card or prescription. If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend school please speak to the Medical room or Sarah Dickson for advice
Lateness & Punctuality
It is vital that children arrive at school every day on time. This is essential for their learning as the first part of their lessons prepares them for the work given. It is very disturbing for a class when children arrive late to a lesson. The school gate opens at 8.30am and closes at 8.45am. Children should be settled in school ready to learn by 8.40am.
We offer a breakfast club starting from 7.30am. If you feel this would be a helpful option to get your child to school and avoid them being late, please speak to Gill at breakfast club.
Any appointments where possible, should be made after school or during the school holidays. If your child has an appointment during the school day, you MUST inform the school office in advance. Hospital letters/appointments will need to be shown to Lucy or Sarah D. If it is possible your child should still attend school either before or after the appointment. Please be aware we are unable to authorise sibling absences due to this.
We have an After School Hub which may be of help to parents when a sibling has an afternoon appointment. It is open until 6pm. Please speak to the office about booking a place. The Hub can also be used to avoid your child missing school if you yourself have an appointment
Family holidays MUST NOT be taken during term time. We are only able to authorise time off school for exceptional circumstances. Proof WILL need to be provided. Please be aware permission for absence can only be granted for a short period. You must request absence by sending an email to before booking any tickets. Please ensure that you include any relevant documents. If your request for absence is not agreed, you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice from the London Borough of Barnet of £60 per child, per parent.
The Orion Primary is supported by our Education Welfare Officer who regularly visits our
school to help monitor attendance. If your child's attendance level drops below 95%, they may contact you to discuss this further.