We run many adult learning courses on our site either at The Orion or Goldbeaters.
Parents can enrol on courses to learn sewing skills, hairdressing skills, first aid and to take part in parenting workshops and much more. The courses are all run in collaboration with Barnet and Southgate College.
Parents will also be sent links via text message to other learning opportunities within the local community.
Mrs Shear can signpost you if you have a query about adult learning.
Please call or email the contact below if you are interested in any courses happening in our local area.
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2022 Machine Sewing
A 6 week course for progression in sewing.
Tuesday 9am - starts 12th January 2022 POSTPONED UNTIL LATER IN THE YEAR
See Mrs Shear to register
2021/22 Adult Learning Courses at The Orion and Goldbeaters
HAND SEWING (a 6 week course) - begins Tuesday 2nd November
MACHINE SEWING (a 6 week course) - begins Wednesday 12th January
PARENT GYM (a 6 week course) - begins in October
Our Hand Sewing Class is full up of fantastic Orion Parents