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2023/24 News


Our 12th and most joyous EVER Go Fest has ended. Our children enjoyed 7 weeks of learning and over 25 events were available for children and parents to enjoys. Our community evenings brought together nearly 4000 people! The Pink Fringe Weekend was a true festival within a festival. Joy Makers spread joy even further this week by writing to our new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer. We hope he will heed our messages of how to make joy for everyone in the UK. Y6 spread joy by making £400 for the BYT charity in an incredible enterprise week and competition. The last and final event of Go Fest 2024 was every child's absolute favourite activity - The Water Zone.

Go Fest 2024 - that's a wrap!


The rain came to Go Fest 2024...but Mr F kept everyone dry and there was plenty of joy made outside on the festival field. Every child in the school gave 100% on the stage performing to the school and to parents. There were 15 shows in total over the week with the children hearing 2 live bands and a secret DJ set and a Unity Celebration. Let's not forget our Y6's graduation and 2 incredible Community Nights. Thanks to every single child, parent, staff member who helped to make this year's Go Fest so joyful. And of course...thank you Mr F.

Live Band Afternoon

Y6 Graduation: class of 2024

Day 4: The sun came out!

Unity Ceremony

Wave your flag

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A whole week of outdoor learning and joyful activities in the fresh air from nature bingo to water wall to outdoor cooking and painting like Matisse. Check out the Sculpture Trail too! Go Fest just gets better and better! Y6 and Y2 children stay over at school on the Summerland field in tents. Thanks Mr F!

GO FEST 2024: Whippy White Week

Lots of Joy made this week! The sculpture trail was born this week with every year group creating nature inspired 3D art and 2D. The Banana Bus came to bring joy to our youngest children and so many children went out of school on amazing trips which brought much joy and excitement. Reception to Cassiobury,  Y4 to the London Eye and the River Thames, Y5 to The Edge for an adventure day and children from Orion and Goldbeaters went to spread joy in our local senior living care home


Monday's Fringe Frames

We can draw pink fringe flamingos! All children took part in a huge guided draw. Our school is a hive of creativity and joy today. It's been a truly JOYFUL Pink Fringe this year.


Sunday’s Joy at the Cafe 

When do you get to have family breakfast at The Apples 2 Lemons Cafe and meet DMC, Mimi, Ziggy, Senor Smile AND Basil, Pip, Herbie & Sunny? Only during Pink Fringe! 

The Apples 2 Lemons Cafe

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Saturdays Art Morning 

Calm & Creative - lovely children with their lovely parents 

GO FEST 2024


Our annual creative and performing arts weekend. A festival within a festival.

The I-SHINE theatre was “sold out” and children from the age of 4 took part in storytelling, drama, spoken word, dance, Shakespeare dance and dramatic interpretation, singing and instrument recital. 
The Pink Fringe continues over the weekend with a Saturday art morning and a Sunday interactive theatre experience for our families. 

The Friday finale

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Featuring Mr Kabs

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GO FEST 2024:

Strawberry Red Week

All about Art and the arts this week. Have a look at some of the learning in the photos below.


GO FEST 2024:


We thank all our wonderful families who came to The Orion Field to complete the Joy Trail. Happy and joyful family time outside in the fresh air. What an amazing community we have at Orion and Goldbeaters.

GO FEST 2024 

Banana Yellow Week

This week Go Fest learning is about music. We experienced a live music concert in The I Shine Theatre and learnt about electronic dance music and how it’s produced. Other joyful learning this week has included Virtual Reality for Y2 and Y4, art appreciation for Y3 and Y4, Junior Citizen for Y6 and a visit to Kew Gardens for Y3. After school many parents came with their children to The Joy Trail - a family event.

Ultrabeat in the I-Shine Theatre

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This week is all about fashion...does wearing your favourite clothes make you feel joyful? We can express ourselves through what we choose to wear, learn about the impact of fashion in the modern world and find out more about fast fashion and more sustainable fashion. 

We welcomed the Brazilian dancers back to Orion and Goldbeaters for a carnival of joy.

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Our Arts and Outdoor learning festival has begun. Throughout June and July we have adventures in learning that extend our knowledge and experiences of modern life. We explore fashion, music and art as well as the outdoors. GO FEST learning is in addition to the normal curriculum and the children's favourite time of the year. There are special visitors most weeks and special trips trip of school. Orion and Goldbeaters are transformed into Summerland across the GO FEST weeks.


Children were invited to the Apples and Lemons Cafe by the Superjuicers...find out soon what happens!


What a lot of learning this week. Children all had an additional practical science workshop investigating science concepts with a focus on time. Thanks to Mrs Cohen and the wonderful Y6 Science Leaders who taught all the children from Y1-Y6.  The Y3 children were immersed in Japanese culture to launch their new learning topic and Y6 children have been learning about food and nutrition in a very hands on and practical way. Thanks @GiveHelpShare for providing these sessions. Have a look below at the healthy breakfasts they have made for tomorrow!


Well done to our wonderful Y6's who showed such maturity and determination to do their best in their Y6 SATs. We are proud of your amazing attitudes. Y6 enjoyed a treat day to celebrate at the end of the week with a trip out to the park and a pizza lunch.


A sunny week in school with lots of hard work and big effort. Wonderful Word Up Celebrations presented to parents by The Jets who took part in both a Spoken Word Project and a collaboration with The Royal Opera House. Y3 children rocked the I-Shine Theatre with an amazing rap, song and plenty of NRG. 


Friday's 101 day was Yellow Pencil Day. Children are working hard in school.  April and May are important months for learning. Watch the new Super Juice to see what is coming soon...exciting things ahead.

Super Juice - Coming soon...



11 chicks were born this week at The Orion. It has been so exciting watching them hatch - they are truly cute! The video below has been created so you can watch it. (It doesn't happen this fast...the video has been sped up!) Next week we will all learn more about them. Welcome to the world little chickens 🐓 

Watch the first born chick hatching here 🥹

Pupil's Voice: WORD UP 2024

"We have travelled round the entire world learning new facts"

"I loved that this year's doodle book had a theme every week"

"The helpful bricks got me off my IPAD and helped me get more fitter"

"Amazing visitors like King Kimba and Ben Lyttleton came to school"

"We were thrilled to go to the Apples and Lemons Cafe and see ourselves on the Super Juice film"

"We loved the joke and coke day!"

"I have learnt so many new words"

"I am so happy the Do It Dude is happy again"

"I love Word Up Word Up"



The children entered through the frame and posted their helpful bricks to discover the Sunshine Mixer Factory.  They were so relieved that The Do it Dude found Hunky Dory World and that he was OK! It was so exciting seeing Pip, Sunny, Basil and Herbie and Ziggy Zidane and Gigi Green and Paolo Pink straight out of  The Super Juice films! 

Word Up Poetry Slam 2024

Y6 took part in a very sophisticated Spoken Word event creating poetry and performing their poems in the arena of a slam. They were inspired and coached by poet and spoken word expert King Kimba. The performers were spectacular and encouraged by their peers in the audience.

We are beyond proud of the Orion & Goldbeaters children who represented The Gold Star Federation at The Barnet Dance Festival at The Arts Depot and at The Great Big Dance Off  at the Beck Theatre in Hayes. They stood out due to both their talent and maturity. Big thanks to their dance coach Mr Kabs!


We love World Book Day at The Orion. Celebrating reading and our love of books is always special.  How many book characters can you name in the photographs below? This week children have made a book nook at home, we have had an online book sale, Y6 children are taking part in a national Book Quiz and of course...we are dressing up which we LOVE! Happy World Book Day!


It wasn't Hunky Dory World it was Asia. We are leaning about the wonder of Asia - the largest continent in the world - it's countries, landmarks, people and animals. Many of our children come from countries within Asia and it has generated much conversation and of course Word Words Words! Our Word Up presentations have continued with an amazing story and song from Jets 1 and our Nursery children have been to the zoo!


Back in school after half term looking smarter.  We are trying to stay switched on in all that we do and use our AWESOME WONDER POWER to experience WONDERMENT of the world. We are still looking for Hunky Dory World... This week we experienced the WONDER of WORDS with performance poet King Kimba,Y2 had some marvellous meditation in the ZEN DEN bus and Y6 presented their WORD UP experience to their parents in the I-Shine Theatre. Please DO MORE over the weekend. Stay SWITCHED ON!

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What an amazing week of visitors we have welcomed to Word Up this week! Orion children have had drama workshops and met 2 authors and storytellers. The stories have been captivating! Thanks to George Hoyle and James Campbell for inspiring us with language. Words Words Words! 


Children can take part in a Keep Safe competition for this year's Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February

Safer Internet Day 2024 - Party Time!

Uploaded by The Orion Primary School on 2024-02-06.


WORD UP 2024

The Orion is 24 years old. We celebrated today with Mr F in the hall. We found out about the history of our school which made us feel even more proud than usual. We all got a birthday present of some dominoes and we are learning how to play.


WORD UP 2024

We have been learning all about Europe for 2 weeks. Hunky Dory World is not in Europe although we have learnt about some amazing places - Claude Monet's garden in Giverny, France; The Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the canals and waterways of Venice. We've enjoyed Croissant Friday, Kevin Graal the Storyteller and a play called Muffin Don't Get Squished. Thanks Mr F for our Word Up safety lights!!

WORD UP STARTS! 12/01/24
This is the 10th anniversary of Word Up! Huge excitement counting down to the start at the end of this week. See the message below from the Do it Dude…wishing our whole school community a wonderful Word Up Festival. 

Word Up Begins

December in School - Docember

Lighting up lives this December. It's all about doing something to help make life a little brighter, especially when it's freezing outside!

Think it...Feel it...Give it...

  • Give EXTRA smiles throughout the day
  • Give time for laughter - share some jokes
  • Give kind words to those around you
  • Give some EXTRA time for a chat
  • Give the gift of helpfulness
  • Give WELL DONE's to others
  • Give EXTRA time to count your blessings
  • Give EXTRA greetings
  • Give time to TIDY time at home and in your classroom
  • Give some special to older people
  • Give to the BYT Kindness Kitchen

Throughout Docember you can see lots of our photos of giving and how we are lighting up lives.

What Happened Next in the I Shine Theatre

SuperJuice Pop Up Cafe

Orion & Goldbeaters Choirs Sing to the Elderly

Giving to others at Christmas

Christmas lunch

Winter Lights Art Exhibition

Giving Kindness, Care and Smiles at a Care Home

We felt soooo good this year for Children in Need thanks to the Superjuice Feel Good Campaign. Such amazing children and parents completing tasks at home to improve everyone’s wellbeing. Friday was a very special day in school! We raised £2500!!

Feeling Good!

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Feeling Good!

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All round the UK this week money will be raised to support BBC's Children in Need. At Orion and Goldbeaters children have tasks to do at home to feel good. We support Children in Need every year. Friday will be a special day in school. Please bring donations in to school and don't forget to wear your own clothes that make you feel good!

Be SPOTacular for BBC Children in Need! 🔵🟡🔴

FIREWORKS: 16/11/23

Better late than never…two weeks overdue because of the forecast storm we had a happy and dry fireworks display. As always our parent community were so positive and supportive and calm and we enjoyed a stunning display TOGETHER


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Fireworks Joy

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We are moving it every day this week with our learning...The Jets had a day out in London, Reception met the Gruffalo in Wendover Woods, children in Y5 and Y6 completed the Primary Maths Challenge, we flanked the corridors for a ceremony of rememberance  and Y2 performed a series of beautiful songs with Goldbeaters and other local schools at the Infant Music Festival. Children went home this weekend with a Feel Good Kit and will learn what to do with it from The Super Juice Children in Need film. 


We were honoured to welcome Madam Mayor - Nagus Narenthira to our schools today to launch Gen H - our happiness project. Nagus is both the current mayor and the Chair of our Governing Body and has worked tirelessly for both the school and the community of Barnet for 2 decades.


This year to celebrate Black History we learnt about British black women and men making history right now. Rosalie Jones, a firefighter, Solomon Golding, a ballet dancer, Jawahir Roble, a female hijab wearing football referee and many other amazing people! We ended this week with a wonderful cultural afternoon to celebrate Black History and many other cultures who make up our school

community. Thanks to all those who came and to the parents who cooked and offered a taste of their culture and heritage. We are so lucky to have such fantastic and culturally diverse families. 


This week we combined our annual apple festival with our mental health and well-being with Apple Chat. Children shared an apple on each day with some structured chat with each some comments below.

06/10/23 - WORLD SMILE DAY

Always celebrated at The Orion & Goldbeaters and a special day within our community. We started our day with a smile with children and families being greeted at the gates by staff and smiley faces. This year the children all bought their smile to school too. "The most important thing you will ever wear is a SMILE"

29/09/23 - Be Unlimited Friday - Using KND to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support

Showing kindness and determination today at The Orion. Children contributed money into their fruit fund to show their kindness and care for others. We are always astounded at the generosity of our school community. The new Super Juice film is out, mini juicers have been auditioning all week and children have worked hard this week to do their best work ever. September is over now and we will get ready for...Rockotber!!!

22/09/23 - Peace Day

We celebrated Peace Day today. All of Orion and Goldbeaters TOGETHER. We heard the beautiful music of a harpist and released 5 white doves - an international symbol of Peace. Captain K returned after 4 years! He launched Kindness Kids Unlimited Kindness. The sunflowers in our school are a new symbol for KND - Kindness aNd Determination. Check out the photos below

18/09/23 - This week is Organ Donation Awareness Week. 

The NHS are aiming to get 25,000 more people to register to become organ donors in order to save and improve the lives of thousands of people in need of an organ transplant. On Friday afternoon as part of our World Peace Day we did "Think Pink" with a pink milkshake to take part in this social media campaign. 


15/09/23 - It's been an UMLIMITED week of learning at The Orion. We have settled into our new classrooms and new year group routines. Our Reception children are now staying all day and enjoying their first school lunches. We are loving learning about new topics and developing new skills. Y6 have been Unlimited in making their own Viking costumes and starting a crochet club. We've had 2 Challenge 101 days this week. Thumbs Up Thursday (a Sunergy Day) and Sunflower Friday (an Unlimited Day). Jets 1 presented our lovely Teresa with sunflowers. We have a task this weekend to find out new facts about sunflowers. Did you know that sunflowers could be cuddly? This sunflower is called a teddy bear sunflower!

Welcome Back to School

Keep up to date with what happens each week at school for your children. We are looking smart and are excited to be back for a new school year. We welcome all our wonderful new children and familes.

Goldstar Federation