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Heathy Eating

We are very proud of our school kitchen and always strive to give our pupils a very high quality hot school lunch. The kitchen was awarded a hygiene rating of 5 which is the highest level possible. Well done to the I-Shine Catering Team

We are committed to helping to keep our school community fit and healthy through: -

2 hours (at least) of dedicated PE teaching a week 

Freshly cooked daily school meals including breakfast club provision

Daily Salad Bar at Lunchtime

Guidance offered on healthy packed lunches

Fresh Fruit for under 7's

All children to bring a daily snack of fresh fruit

Water bottles provided for all children 

Opportunities for active learning and additional sports participation

Swimming lessons for all Y6 children

PSHE lessons on healthy eating and good choices

Education for parents on healthy eating, sugar and fat content, portion control and benefits of physical activity




The Orion is taking part in the SMILE project, which involves introducing a new health-promoting lunch tray, that is divided into sections containing the major food groups and displays child-friendly health and well-being messages.

The tray was developed by a team of registered nutritionists, school cooks, public health professionals, and the product design team at Middlesex University. Sections are divided according to portion size guidelines for children (Caroline Walker Trust).

Guidance on Portion Sizes for Primary Children

Food Scanner App to help you make healthy food choices

Goldstar Federation