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Well-Being & Mental Health

Positive mental health and emotional well-being is paramount for our pupils. Our method of teaching and learning - I-Shine Learning - supports our pupils in school and The Orion is a very happy and positive place to be and to learn in. Well-being of children is a top priority this academic year 2023/4 and underpins all our our whole school initiatives. The Super Juice films produced by The One Kind Production Team are specifically made to create feel good moments and promote well-being.


When children have significant challenges in their lives we are able to provide them with some additional support for their emotional well-being. The leadership team offer additional pastoral support to many children, we have two trained mental health first aiders and children can be referred to one of several counsellors and therapists who work in the school or to Barnet Integrated Clinical Services and CAMHS.


We teach the children about their mental, physical and emotional well-being through our whole school ethos, PSHE lessons, visiting experts and assemblies.  We promote mental and emotional health amongst the parent community, through coffee mornings, visitors, school newsletters and school events. See below some additional resources 


There are lots of resources for children and parents to tap into below but if you are worried about your child's mental health see one of the senior team at school or speak to your child's teacher.

Kooth is an online mental health community for children aged 11 and older. They can access it on their phones/tablets or laptops. They will need to make a secure account. It is easy and a really great service for children in Barnet schools.

Ollee is a digital friend for children aged 8-11 – created by Parent Zone and funded by BBC Children in Need's A Million & Me initiative. It helps them explore feelings around school, family, friends and the world – and share advice with a parent or trusted adult.

Meet Ollee - a digital friend for children aged 8-11

Candle and Flower Breathing - Mindful and Calming Breathing Technique

This is a deep breathing exercise to help you relax and feel calm. Candle and flower breathing is a great strategy to control stress, anxiety and helps to slow down and feel focused.

Two minutes Mindfulness: Balloon Breaths/Belly Breaths - Breathing exercise for Children

Balloon breathing is a simple breathing exercise that you can do anywhere. Slow, deep breaths are one of the best ways to calm an anxious child. An anxious or angry child is in flight-or-fight mode with their body primed to handle a perceived threat. This usually leads to fast, shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, and tense muscles.

Introduction to 5-4-3-2-1 and Skill Practice

Find a comfortable place and come practice the 5-4-3-2-1 skill with us!

Thought Bubbles! For Anxiety & Worry.

Blow your thoughts away today! Ever feel that your mind is too busy? Do the 'Thought Bubbles' video to blow them away. This calming brain break is suitable for children aged 5-11.

World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2023

This week all the pupils at Orion have reflected on their feelings every day through the week - the staff have done as well. We learnt in assembly that it helps to share with someone you trust if you feel low or just not quite yourself. Sometimes just sharing makes you feel a little bit better. There are lots of adults in school who know how to help children or to support them to help themselves.

Goldstar Federation