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Breakfast Club & After School Hub

We recognise that many parents and carers have work commitments and need to make arrangements for their children to be looked after before the school days starts and after it ends. We have a wonderful breakfast club and an new afterschool hub that parents can enquire about if they need wrap around care for their child.

Breakfast Club

We have a large breakfast club which opens every day from 7.30am

Children can choose from cereals, toasts and cooked breakfast foods each day.

After breakfast, children have supervised indoor play and then line up with their classes for registration.


Gill Cocking is the staff member in charge of breakfast club.

For a space please contact her via the school office.


To pay for breakfast club you must keep your Parent Pay balance up to date.

Only £2 per day from 7.30am or £1.50 from 8am



Monday: Crumpets, boiled eggs, beans

Tuesday: Wholemeal toast, bacon, beans

Wednesday: Wholemeal toast, scrambled egg, beans

Thursday: Wholemeal toast, boiled eggs, beans

Friday: Boiled eggs, beans, porridge


50:50 bread & low fat spreads, sugar free cereals, fresh fruit and low fat yoghurts available daily.

Fruit juice (60ml serving), Water, Milk, Tea available daily

After School Hub

We have a new after school hub from the end of the school day to 6pm now running.

Children have tea which consists of a light snack of fresh fruit and vegetable sticks. 

We do different activities each day, complete homework and children play together under the supervision of school staff. 

Goldstar Federation