It's Docember 2024: Give a little HeART
Docember at The Orion is a time for kindness, appreciation and helpfulness. It is always time for Art. In the run up to special Christmas fun in the last week of term we must keep up our energy and be helpful members of our school community.
CHILDREN IN NEED Part 2: 22nd November
The Lighter Life Art Boxes returned today and WOW - what an amazingly well supported task this was. THANK YOU PARENTS and THANK YOU KIDS. Feel Good Friday today included the Big Reveal SuperJuice film, the Children in Need Dance, talking time between older and younger children and a piece of cake!
£3511 was raised by Orion & Goldbeaters communities to help others.
CHILDREN IN NEED - 15th November
Our kind and generous children pledge to help other children by bringing in donations for charity in beautifully decorated envelopes. What a Feel Good Friday it has been. Children are making art boxes, worry buddies and bracelets throughout the day and special tasks at home all next week.
Barnet Infant Music Festival with Y2
A lovely morning for Y2 Orion and Goldbeaters to sing in a festival with other Barnet schools. Lots of feel good feelings from singing!
Our traditional 2 minute silence to reflect and remember took place today. Our kindness kids stand together to hope for a peaceful future.
Our biggest display ever. 1500 people from our school community came to enjoy our annual display. As always our families showed patience, lovely manners and respect and appreciation. We are proud to be Orion and Goldbeaters.
November can sometimes be a hard month - the winter is coming. If we focus on some simple Good Moves and turn November into Movember we can make life feel so much better! Good moves can include smiling, encouraging each other, being thankful, dancing. Our VITAL VITAMIN this week is Vitamin C - have a look at us having a vitamin C boost!
We have celebrated black history this year through the medium of film. Film can give much knowledge and inspire much thoughtfulness. Children completed a Feel Good Task at home of making a Caribbean Fruit Kebob to bring into school and enjoy. Magnificent engagement and effort. See the photos to feel good too and THANK YOU!
It's Apple Harvest Time. Children at the Orion will taste and learn the names of 6 British grown apples and understand how apples and other crops are harvested in the Autumn. Apples have huge health benefits and symbolise good health, happiness and sweetness in many cultures.
One of the Feel Good 4's is giving. Our kindness kids were inspired to create 100 birthday cards for a gentleman celebrating his 100th birthday. We were so proud of the touching messages the children sent. It feels good to give.
An annual tradition for a Feel Good Friday. Staff and children greet each other at the gate with smiles. Nearly every child completed the smiley task at home...thank you parents! Children learnt about Takashi Murakami - a contemporary Japanese artist - known for incorporating a smiley flower in his artwork. We visited residents and carers at Signature Living in Hendon to share smiles there too.
Feel Good Friday for Macmillan: 27.09.24
Wearing green for Macmillan Cancer Support today. Children, teachers and parents all in glorious green. One of the Feel Good 4 is giving and we are grateful to all of the children who bought in £1 or more to donate to charity. One of our Y2 DO MORE pupils set up an after school shop and raised £70 for Macmillan. What a star!
Family Bingo Night: 26.09.24
Parents and children playing Bingo together in the hall was gorgeous to see. Such concentration and participation especially when the glitter ball came out! Well done to those who won prizes and thank you to all who took part in our first family event of the year.
Move for Peace: 20.09.24
This week we have been getting fitter, stronger and cleverer. The Feel Good Fruit Shop has been open every morning for children to buy a banana snack and children have been building up fit bricks by jogging at school and at home. On Feel Good Friday all the children earned more fit bricks by getting together on The Orion Field and moving for Peace. It is a tradition in our schools to celebrate the International Day of Peace - it is always special, always happy and always important to us.
The Feel Good 4
Let’s be fitter, stronger and cleverer! It’s good to feel good! Parents and children together having a better, healthier lifestyle this year. It was Banana Friday today...bananas have a high nutritional value and are 75% water. They are an EXCELLENT healthy snack.
Getting fitter is really important for our children. These amazing children are demonstrating a very simple way to increase their fitness and stamina.
We are so happy to be back at school for a new school year. Thanks for being ready with such smart new school uniform. You look FAB!