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Year 2

You may find this information about the National Curriculum helpful:


Important Learning

Autumn 1- Fire Fire (Great Fire of London)

Autumn 2- Rosa Parks/Nelson Mandela

Spring 1- England/Carribean

Spring 2- Town/Cities (Orion Monkeys)

Summer 1- What were people who lived 100 years ago like?

Summer 2- Seaside


Reading and Homework

Each week your child has a reading day where they read with the teacher and are given a new book.

Children are expected to do 10 minutes Champion Reading every day - they can choose a book from their class library and change this whenever they like.

Homework goes out on Friday, to be handed in on Wednesday.



During the Autumn Term we focus on stories and diaries.  We learn how to write rainbow sentences so that we can make sure our writing is interesting with adjectives, connectives, openers and adverbs.

In the Spring Term we learn about information texts and we continue our rainbow sentence work through studying a range of non-fiction texts.

Throughout the Summer Term we look at different stories by the author Anthony Browne.


Children are expected to have neat handwriting, using correct letter formation. They are also expected to learn and spell the most commonly used key words.



Each term we develop our mathematical understanding in:

  • Number Operations
  • Shape, Space & Measures
  • Handling Data
  • Word Problems
  • Multiplication & Division

Children are taught to be able to apply these skills and understandings to a range of problem solving situations.


Autumn Term Topics

Come Fly with Me / Forces

Fire of London / Heating and Cooling

Topic / Science


Spring Term Topics

Caribbean Island Explorers / Electricity

Night time Explorers / Variation


Summer Term Topics

Nocturnal Animals / Plants and Animals

Around the World with Monkeys / Staying healthy



We go to the RAF Museum whilst learning about flying.  In the Summer Term we have a special trip to the seaside.  As well as our trips we have half termly immersion days to capture the children's interest in our new topic.


Be prepared in Y2

  • Have you got your homework, book bag, snack, and lunch?
  • Have you got your PE kit in school?
  • Don’t forget to take home letters to your parents
  • Push yourself, work hard at home, do extra if you can


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