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Year 1

You may find this information about the National Curriculum helpful:


In Year 1 the children are encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers. Children are expected to be active in their learning, be responsible for their belongings and make the right behavioural choices.



Reading and Homework

Literacy homework is sent out on Tuesday and due back in on Friday.

Numeracy homework is sent out on Tuesday and due back in on Friday.

Read for 10 minutes every night, you can read a book, a newspaper, a magazine, or on a tablet. Don't forget to sign your Champion Reading Record to earn your Go Tickets.




In Year 1, each week children learn about a book based around our topic. The children have many opportunities to write for different purposes such as a letter, an advert, a set of instructions and stories. Children are expected to use a neat and legible handwriting style and ensure that they use their phonic knowledge for spelling. They focus on vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation in all our pieces of writing.


They take part in guided reading each week, focusing on segmenting and blending and understanding of the story.


In June of Year 1 all the children have a phonics check. This is a national test and takes place in all schools across the UK




In maths children are learning about (in fun and creative practical ways):

  • 3D shapes
  • Capacity
  • Time
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Number sequencing



Important Learning

  • Autumn 1 – Colindale, now and then
  • Autumn 2 - Meerkat (Animals/ Seasonal Change)
  • Spring 1- In the garden (Weather patterns in UK)
  • Spring 2 - Toys
  • Summer 1- Changes within living memory (Castles)
  • Summer 2- Captain Cook (Pirates- lives of significant individuals)


In Year 1 the children are encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers. Children are expected to be active in their learning, be responsible for their belongings and make the right behavioural choices.



PE days

1H - Tuesday

1B - Thursday

1S - Friday





The Tower of London

Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood

Golders Hill Park



Be prepared in Year 1

  •  Have your homework, book bag, snack, and lunch every day
  • Have your PE kit in school
  • Take home letters to your parents!
  • Push yourself, work hard at home, do extra if you can
Goldstar Federation