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Year 4

You may find this information about the National Curriculum helpful:


Reading and Homework

Champion Reader cards are to be signed every day when the children read for ten minutes.

Literacy and Numeracy Homework is given out on a Tuesday and returned by Friday.



Year 4 children are taught age appropriate grammar on a Monday, following VCOP (Vocabulary, connectives, sentence openers and punctuation). Children learn from a range of genres including recounts, reports and novels. They take part in a variety of drama activities to enhance their speaking and listening skills. Year 4 texts include; Into The Forest, Gregory Cool, Varjak Paw and The Adventures Of Edward Tulane. Children study a range of non-fiction texts linking to their topics of Rainforests, Vikings and Tudors. The children practice their comprehension skills of texts weekly and we have creative ‘Big Writing’ on a Friday. We expect children by the end of year 4 to be competent writers with neat, legible handwriting and enthusiastic readers who are learning to deduce and infer from a text.



There is a number focus in the first term with shape, space and measures, data handling, time, on Fun Fridays where children enjoy and learn these concepts in a practical way.

Terms 2 and 3 have a mixture of number work with shape, space and measure, data handling, using and applying numeracy in real life situations and problem solving challenges; so that by the end of year 4 children should be confident in times tables as well as using their skills to solve real life problems involving all number operations. A grasp of measures and fractions is also expected as well as knowing basic properties of 2D and 3D shape.


Autumn term Topics

  • Rainforests
  • Life Processes, Habitats (Science)


Spring Term Topics

  • The Vikings
  • Moving and Growing, Keeping Warm - Science


Summer Term Topics

  • The Tudors
  • Friction, Electricity - Science


PE days

  • Swimming on Tuesdays
  • PE  -Thursdays and Mondays



  • London Zoo
  • Finchley Arts Depot
  • V & A Museum
  • Tower Of London


Other information

  • Swimming; Autumn term – Easter.
  • Exciting Viking Immersion Day
  • Viking battle
  • Creative Routes Art project
  • Road Safety
Goldstar Federation